Air Liquide

Air Liquide is the world leader in gases for industry, health and the environment, and is present in
80 countries with 42,300 employees. Air Liquide supplies its customers in extremely diverse
industries such as steel industry, food and beverage, electronics or pharmaceuticals. In order to
match the needs of all of these clients, the Group is organized in different World Business Lines.
For over 100 years, Air Liquide has made innovation central to its strategy. Air Liquide is a key
player of the new hydrogen-energy economy with:
- More than 40 years of unique know-how on the entire industrial hydrogen value chain, from
production and distribution to retail.
- Almost 20 years of R&D efforts in hydrogen energy applications
- 10 years of experience in development and sales of PEM fuel cells, the key interface
between the gas molecule and the electrical kW.
In order to develop and deploy hydrogen energy systems in Europe, Air Liquide rationalized its
activities within this market in a new organization, called Air Liquide Advanced Business and
Technologies, which AL-AT belongs to. The combined missions of this organization is to:
- Deliver a technological offer (fuel cells, high pressure storage, filling stations, decentralized
and carbon free hydrogen production)
- Implement a dedicated hydrogen supply chain wherever needed
- Grow a viable business activity
AL AT counts 400 technicians, engineers and 19 Group experts. Within H2 business, Air Liquide
Advanced Technologies (AL.AT) activities cover:
- Innovation and product development, including hydrogen refuelling stations
- Hydrogen storage and distribution systems
- Hydrogen energy solutions marketing and sales
- Hydrogen systems supply chain
- Customer service and maintenance
- Support to the emergence of hydrogen in the mass transportation market.